Abdi (Axe) Ahmed

Nov 24, 20203 min

Round One: A = 1, C = 0 | Fight + The Atypical Podcast

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

"Enjoy your vacation!"

Well, that was a week — Happy Monday!

Much to catch you up on, from how I feel after the first round of chemotherapy to the launching of The Atypical Podcast. Like the IV lines in my arms, let’s dive in.

First and foremost, thank you. These words that I'm penning don't capture the full extent of my and Laura's immense gratitude for your support. The boundless love, support, donations, calls, and messages have been staggering. Numerous times, we’ve found ourselves completely stunned. It has given us the energy and courage we need to continue to share this journey.

The first round of chemotherapy treatment is under my belt and, after a few days of rest, I feel like I’m getting my legs back under me. Many, I’m sure, will attest to it but a lot changes in a short amount of time during that treatment period. I’m on chemo for 5 days. Infusions take about 5 hours, on average each day. Then I get a 16 day “break” — a chance to recover before the next round. Safe to say I was ready for the break come Friday. I have to mention my favorite “chemo-colleague,” Utah — a 60+ year old charismatic, super sweet, and colorful woman always dressed in shades of bright blue. Utah and I had brief but memorable conversations in the waiting area before treatments. Before starting my final treatment of round 1 on Friday, Utah called after me and exclaimed, “Enjoy your vacation!”

While it wouldn’t be my first instinct to call it a “vacation” it is truly a much needed break. By weeks end we were worn out. I was down to sipping chicken noodle soup — something I haven’t had in over 2 decades — to keep things down despite the 4 anti-nausea meds I was on. Still, I can’t help but to be grateful. The thought of having to do this without those meds — like so many did before — is a testament to the strength and resilience of past cancer patients. I am lucky to be standing on the shoulders of the giants who have run this course before me.

A lot has changed from a physical standpoint. Avocadoes that I once loved are now a no-go. My morning routine of earl-grey tea with one Splenda is too potent and makes me recoil. I switched to plastic utensils to lessen the constant, horrid metallic taste in my mouth that works tirelessly to ruin every meal possible. (HINT: keeping a gum in your mouth all day helps a little bit). After the infusions, I would have a solid 2 hours in me before the overwhelmingly tiredness would hit and then I was no more productive than my 100lb puppy, Zeus. Overall, I would say it wasn’t horrible — I survived. By survived, I mean Lou worked tirelessly to keep me alive. I met some unconquerable spirits, sipped on chicken noodle soup, and had an amazing nursing staff that even included Tom, the self proclaimed “mean nurse” who happened to be a saint. Onward, we keep fighting now!


The podcast is officially released. Not a surprise for many — as I was still getting myself together, the amazing and talented Laura and Isaac put it all together and had it go live! It felt good for Lou and me to talk about the experience up to that point because we’re constantly continuing to process this.

The response from those that listened already has just been supportive and amazing, and again thank you for that.

In reality, the emperor of all maladies affects all and disrupts our healthy and active lifestyles. It either affects you, a loved one, or someone you know and I have come to realize the power it has is in the silence and darkness. By bringing it to the light, talking about our journey so far, our love for health and wellness, and my passion for life and adventure, that power it has just dissipates. It melts away in the sunlight.

So part of the mission of The Atypical Podcast for me, in addition to bringing awareness to young adult survivors, is to cast a light on how we can live a fuller and healthier life filled with adventure despite the unexpected obstacles we all face. So as we explore that, bring awareness, and face off against the emperor of all maladies, this monster, I’m excited to talk with cancer conquerors and health professionals on how we can continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

If you have some time to listen, please do and hear me unknowingly get recorded to mic test while belting out some Bohemian Rhapsody — I don’t think Queen or Broadway is calling anytime soon. ;)

More later and appreciate you!


Listen On Spotify | The Atypical Podcast
